Journal #3

Jacqueline Mendez

Engl 1012

Professor Kinch


It’s the third/ final draft, i’m pretty nervous for the final grade for this essay. So far in my writing process, this draft is challenging for me due to having some mix feelings in wanting to rewrite my whole essay. The reasoning i was planning on doing this was because i realized that for most of the part i was trying to connect the articles ideas to experiences i’ve seen and my own opinions. My idea for the essay was to give some of my ideas but not as much for i could’ve write more ideas of the author of the articles to prove my argument. Although at this point of my writing process, i think it’s best not to start all over but to work on each paragraph in trying to rephrase them or make the organized at least. I do think the quotes for citation i used is good but my way in explaining and analyzing isn’t the best. So best option for me is working paragraph by paragraph to not confuse myself even worst. Some things i am proud of the process i’ve made throughout the essay is the citation, the introduction and conclusion. I think conclusion gave a brief summary of what was talked throughout, it doesn’t repeat a lot of things, gives a last example and give the author an idea to continue thinking about my argument and how it is effective. The quotes are understanding and give the right idea to why it should be included in each paragraph and i’m confident in those. Some goals i hoping to do in this final paper is to organize my essay and make it more understanding in explaining and analyzing. One thing that’s always been bring me down as i mention, is analyzing deeper and expanding it. Although, im hoping i can succeed in this final draft and future papers.